Presentations to 2011 FEPS/TASC Autumn Conference


The 2011 FEPS/TASC Autumn Conference was held on Friday, October 14th, and Saturday October 15th. Videos of the event - including the closing keynote address delivered by Professor James K. Galbraith of the University of Texas at Austin - will be uploaded later in the week, but in the meantime we've uploaded some of the PowerPoint presentations (below the fold). Please note that other PowerPoint presentations will be available later in the week. The programme for the event is available here.

Click here to read Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones' opening keynote on Friday (Expert Round Table on Financial Regulation). On Friday afternoon, a session on 'Regulating for Stakeholders' looked at the impact of financial regulation (or its absence) on different stakeholders. Click here for Dr Eleanor O'Higgins' introductory overview, and here to read Margaret Ward's take on the impacts on consumers. Damon Silvers of the AFL-CIO gave a presentation on the impact on workers (here), and Dr Jonathan Westrup of the Irish Management Institute looked at the effects on business.

Following the Stakeholders session, Prof Terrence McDonough of NUI Galway looked at Irish banks and asked whether the pillar banks are still fit for purpose. His slide on 'Saving Private Banking' provided one of the weekend's catchphrases. Friday ended with a presentation by Dr Jim Stewart of TCD on new forms of banking.

The Friday Expert Round Table concluded with a presentation on 'Changing the regulatory landscape' by Shane O'Neill, Head of Banking Supervison at the Central Bank.

Saturday morning started with a session on investment. Click here to see Michael Taft's presentation, and here for Michael Burke's presentation, followed by a presentation from Kieran Rose of Dublin City Council, which will be uploaded during the comping days.

The session on investment was followed by a panel discussion on the European debt crisis. Following a presentation on Ireland's Debt Audit by the project's lead researcher, Dr Sheila Killian of the University of Limerick (to be uploaded shortly), Professor Stuart Holland of Coimbra University in Portugal, Professor James Galbraith of the University of Texas at Austin and TASC's Tom McDonnell discussed ways of escaping the debt trap. Professor Holland's presentation is available here, and Tom McDonnell presentation can be downloaded here.

Lunch on Saturday was followed by two breakout sessions: (1) A Job for the State? The new mixed economy, and (2) Good health is good for the economy.

Breakout (1) heard presentations from Professor Stuart Holland, TASC's Aoife Ni Lochlainn and Dr Helena Lenihan of the University of Limerick.
Breakout (2) heard presentations from Dr David Stuckler of the University of Cambridge, Professor Eamon O'Shea of NUI Galway, and health policy analyst and journalist Sara Burke.

Following the breakouts, Dr Tom Healy, Director of the Economic Research Unit, spoke on Charting a New Course. This was followed by Professor James Galbraith's closing keynote address.

Posted in: InequalityInequality

Tagged with: autumn conferenceTASC



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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
