"Liberalism in Crisis" Symposium


The Department of Sociology and the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis at NUI Maynooth are holding a symposium on May 6th on “Liberalism in Crisis: US, UK and Ireland”. The conference is free but we are asking that people register before Wednesday April 30th.

Registration form and details at:


Further details of the event below.

Department of Sociology, NUI, Maynnoth


Liberalism in Crisis: US, UK and Ireland

Renehan Hall, South Campus, NUI, Maynooth, Thursday May 6th,

9.00 Registration/Coffee

Paper titles provisional

9.30 -11.15 Liberal states and responses to the crisis (Chair: Mary Murphy, NUIM)

Prof Fred Block (Dept of Sociology, University of California, Davis)

  • Global Crisis, US Responses

Prof Colin Hay (Dept of Politics, University of Sheffield)

  • UK and Irish responses to the crisis – a comparative assessment

Prof Seán Ó Riain (Dept of Sociology, NUI, Maynooth)

  • Liberalism, Politics and Capabilities: The Dilemmas of Crisis in Ireland

Coffee 11.15 -11.45

11.45 -1pm Institutional and governance responses to crisis (Chair: Bill Roche, UCD)

Joe Ruane (UCC) The Nature of the Irish Political Economy

Joe Larragy (NUIM) Partnership in Crisis?

Niamh Hardiman (UCD) Politics in Crisis?

1 - 2 Buffet lunch in venue

2-3pm Re-Constructing the political economy (Chair: Seán Ó Riain, NUIM)

Teresa Hogan (DCU) The Smart Economy

John Barry (QUB) The Green Economy

Ann O’Brien (NUIM) The Tourism Economy

3- 4pm Economic restructuring, impact on working lives. (Chair: Peter Murray, NUIM)

Aphra Kerr (NUIM) Working in I.T: Irish Games and Animation Industries

James Wickham (TCD) Migration and Restructuring of the Irish Labour Market

Mary Murphy (NUIM) Unemployment, Activation and Gender

4.00- 4.15 Coffee

4.15 – 5 Roundtable

Wine Reception

Spaces limited. Free of charge Register by Wednesday 28th April.

Booking form and further information at http://sociology.nuim.ie/LiberalismInCrisis.shtml

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Jim Stewart

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