Kenmare Dublin Economics Workshop

Slí Eile17/10/2009

Slí Eile: The chorus is in full swing. The Dublin Economic Consensus workshop in Kenmare. Cuts, Deflation, Now, No Alternative. Even Garrett the Good is rowing in behind it arguing against a staggered deflation. We are being warned about the IMF if we don't roll over. Fearful of losing jobs and not knowing where to turn a lot of people are scared and buying into this There-Is-No-Alternative. Meanwhile, the Kenmare DEW is cranking up the media. See their programme for this weekend here. I assume that papers will be available in the coming days on the following website.

If economics is the science of scarcity and choice consider that, according to the DEW brochure, 'Accommodation is available in the Park Hotel and a number of guest houses availability, as ever, is exceptionally tight and priority is given to applicants who are willing to share a room....the Conference Fee is €80....accommodation (including dinner on both Friday and Saturday night) is available at the following rates per person sharing: Park Hotel €380, Sheen Falls €380, Guest Houses €290'
Clearly not for those on the minimum wage or on social welfare.

Posted in: Investment

Tagged with: Dublin Economics Workshop



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