Looking outward: the economic crisis and the developing world


"The UN estimates that up to 103 million more people will fall into poverty or fail to escape poverty because of the crisis. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the unemployment rate is expected to increase by 0.6 per cent in 2009. About 45,000 jobs have already been lost in South Africa. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 100,000 workers were made redundant because of smelter closures. In the Central African Republic, half of the workforce has been laid off from the Société d’Exploitation Forestière en Centrafrique (SEFCA). In the Zambian mining sector, 6,000 people lost their jobs in November 2008".

You can read the rest of this 'one-pager' on how the global economic crisis is hampering human development, issued by the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, here.

Posted in: Inequality

Tagged with: developing world



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