"Beat the recession - pay less tax"

Slí Eile21/09/2009

Slí Eile: I have heard of calls for beating the recession by spending more, spending less, taxing more, taxing less, doing nothing, doing lots of stuff but this is a new one aimed, as it is, at hard some pressed tax-payers already operating in a virtual tax-free environment, a declining tax share in total national income (more anon) and the threat of a serious recession in Irish public services (=education, health, social welfare, social housing…). 'Beat the recession - pay less tax' is the headline to an advertisement in a Newspaper for a new book aimed at Irish taxpayers (well clearly not all of them since the cost of the book is €79.50 including VAT). The advert says: "The only publication that shows you how to avoid the traps and cut your tax bills…..line by line computations for all taxes so you won't miss any exemptions. '

Could this have anything to do with the fact that:

There are currently an estimated 111 tax exemptions - many of which have an unknown cost (and benefit) estimate.
'Changes to the tax system' will be slow (weekend reports)
Notwithstanding any of the above this will not stop an attempt to roll back 'universal' child benefit in the coming weeks.

Somehow I don't think the average PAYEE person will be buying the book or consulting their tax accountants.

Posted in: Taxation

Tagged with: tax avoidance



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