Diary date: Towards a Progressive Economics conference, October 10th


TASC will be organising an economics conference on October 10th (Saturday) in DCU School of Business. Entitled Towards a Progressive Economics, the conference will cover a variety of topics ranging from corporate governance and green economics to banking and the deflations vs. economic development argument. Speakers confirmed to date include Paula Clancy, Terrence McDonough, Paul Sweeney, John Barry, Michael Taft, Mary Murphy, Dieter Benecke, Tom O’Connor, Pauline Conroy, Jim Stewart and Susan McKay.

All are welcome, but space is limited so please e-mail contact@tascnet.ie to book your place.

Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day, and a light lunch will be provided. A full programme and other details will be posted here and on the TASC website during the coming days.

Registration is free, but we would welcome a small donation on the day to help defray costs.

Posted in: Inequality

Tagged with: TASC



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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

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