Draft NAMA legislation


Click here to download the proposed legislation, and here to download the explanatory memorandum. The Minister's accompanying statement is available here.

In case you missed it first time around, click here to read Jim Stewart's post on NAMA, published in May.


Simon Carswell has a useful piece on the draft legislation in today's Irish Times, and Brendan Keenan's take in the Independent in available here. For political reaction, click here to read the statement by Labour's Ruari Quinn (Joan Burton is on holliers), and here to read the reaction from Sinn Fein's Finance Spokesperson Arthur Morgan. The Green Party's Dan Boyle has tweeted that it is the 'least worst of a number of bad options'. A statement by Fine Gael's Finance Spokesperson Richard Bruton is available here. Finally, SIPTU's Jack O'Connor's reaction is available here.

Posted in: Fiscal policy

Tagged with: NAMA



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