An Bord Snip Nua: reactions


In the blogosphere, World by Storm - over at Cedar Lounge - has been trawling through the Bord Snip Nua Report: you can read his post on the cuts you may have missed (as well as a nice plug for Progressive Economy) here. Irish Election is also carrying reactions, including this on the cuts as they affect the Dept. of Health.

On the political front, the only statements available online so far are from Labour Leader Eamon Gilmore here, and Sinn Fein's Aengus O Snodaigh here. We'll link to other statements as they become available.

An initial reaction from TASC Director Paula Clancy is available here.

Statements available so far from advocacy groups include this from Age Action Ireland, while Focus Ireland is quoted in the Irish Times as saying it is "vital for the Government to establish a true picture of the impact of recent welfare cuts before considering any of the proposals of An Bord Snip Nua in relation to further cuts in welfare spending".

A spkesperson for the National Disability Authority is quoted as expressing concern at the suggestion in the report that responsibility for disability policy would revert to the Department of Health and Children rather than remain under the remit of the Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform.

Finally, an extended interview with Colm McCarthy, Chair of the Special Group, can be watched here.

We'll be linking to further news and reactions as they become available.

Posted in: Economics

Tagged with: Bord Snip Nua



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